Sunday, April 11, 2010

We shall remember - A post for Yom HaShoah

The candles flicker and the scent of wicker fills the room.

We remember.

At Yad Vashem the national flag is lowered to half mast, six torches are lit to commemorate the 6 million that perished.

In the morning at 10:00 the sirens will sound and life will stop for a short while in Israel. And we will remember.

In Auschwitz thousands of Jewish youth and non-Jewish friends will walk in the March of the Living at the very same place where our grandparents and great-grandparents were forced on death marches. 

We will remember. We should never forget, never minimize, never let the Shoah (Holocaust) happen again. 

The Shoah is not history. People who lived through it still walk among us, though each year they are fewer in number. The Shoah should never just become a page in  the history books. It is and should always remain a painful but living memory.

6 million will never get to tell their stories. It is the duty of us, the next generation and the generations to come to tell the stories of those senselessly killed. 

We should remember Irina today. We should remember the nameless, the people who were just like us

Salt Lake City, 27 Nisan 5770


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