Sunday, May 15, 2011

So. Since I'm still not supposed to be posting.... Just bullet points.
  • Young Man #2 is back home here after his attempt of moving back to his home town. He pretty much showed up with his backpack yesterday and things are back to the way they used to be. Except... not. Fridays are a lot more relaxed with his new schedule.
  • I signed the contract with the younger kids' school. I'm gonna teach there two hours each day. At the same time I'm handing some of my responsibilities over to my new team lead and switching to a part time in  office at work. Yay. Of course the teaching and the shul job will more than compensate for that.
  • Craig and Yonah permanently switched bedrooms.
  • Ezra is doing super well, all things considered.
  • Kevin's parents are leaving on June 2. I wouldn't have thought just two years ago that I'd say this, but I'll miss them.
  • At the end of August two American girls will join the clan as au paires. One Jewish, one LDS. It's pretty much cheaper than paying for gan, after school care and general babysitting for the kids. 
  • My little Armenian now speaks flawless Hungarian. Scary.


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