Sunday, September 11, 2011

A Sunday List

It's Sunday, and we are enjoying one of the late summer, early autumn days in Hungary. What am I doing?
1. Writing postcards, mostly. Some of you will get some mail from me in the next few days/weeks (depending on when the post office will pick the mail up from the box and how long it takes them to get to you from that point on).
2. Taught the niece how to make peanutbutter cups. Yum. Many thanks to a few people who suggested alternatives to the things we were missing. Like.. peanut butter. :D
3. Also learnt a Skype lesson about fondant from @bogarantyu. I can now make orange fondant and fake marzipan fondant in several colours!
4. I went to Butlers at the advice of @bogarantyu, Maresz and Peti, and came home with several chocolate molds (a bit cheaper than I'd pay for them in Israel) and tiny teeny jars of jam and honey. The latter were super expensive, but I plan to re-use those jars for the kids lunches. :)
5. No meds for a week. Well, no 2 specific meds for a week!
6. We won't be flying home time till nearly midnight on Monday. We will be in TA around 3:45 a.m. Tuesday morning. It will be a super short night for Noah and I.
7. And then I have the class all for myself Tuesday through Thursday!
8. Torchwood final was AWESOME! Oh my, I SOOOOO knew the last twist which I can't talk about yet, as BBC is a week behind America, but it was AWESOME!
9. Doctor Who was boring, though.
10. Making (turkey) spam and eggs for dinner. Yum.
11. Since I haven't posted much Harel Skaat lately, here is a video of one of his performances in California. At 2:10 he sings Hallelujah by Leonard Cohen.


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